1. The hotel or congress centre enters the process of certification by completing a registration form.
2. As required a meeting is arranged between the hotel or congress centre and an adviser who acquaints them with the process of certification and all the necessary processes.
3. After confirmation of the application, the hotel or congress centre completes an on-line self-assessment.
4. At the latest, within one month of receipt of the self-assessment, a hidden congress guest visit is carried out at the hotel or congress centre.
5. Within 14 days of the hidden guest visit, the client is sent a report with the results of the assessment.
6. Dependent on the chosen package, a workshop is carried out with the client where proposals for improvements and the entire results of the certification are presented.
7. Following the certification process, the hotel or congress centre receives an assessment certificate in physical form that can be displayed in the hotel reception.
8. Each certificate awarded is accompanied by a comprehensive PR campaign in Kongres magazine which includes an interview with the management and a one-page presentation of the provider.
9. All the assessed hotels also compete for a Meetings Star award, which is bestowed to the best, annually, at the Conventa trade show.
10. The validity of the certificate is two years, thereafter a process of recertification takes place.